by Kazem Skincare

Healthier skin – from the inside out

Published on: 05/07/2017

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So many of us spend a considerable amount of money and time searching for the perfect skincare solution – all the while neglecting to nourish our skin from the inside out. A healthy diet and lifestyle are both crucial factors that affect how good our skin looks and feels. Certain foods in particular can be more beneficial than others, as they contain the vital micronutrients, fats and vitamins that skin craves. In this blog we share just a few of these super skin-loving foods – a selection that you may not have heard about before – offering helpful tips to show you how you can simply and easily incorporate them into your everyday routine just like your favourite face crème.

Beauty Foods Strawberries

Tomatoes protect and perfect skin

They may appear to be a small and humble addition to a salad or sauce, but tomatoes have been shown in studies to produce powerful protective properties within our skin when consumed. In one experiment subjects were given five tablespoons of tomato paste daily for 12 weeks. After this period they were shown to have 33% more protection from the sun’s harmful and damaging rays than the control group. Whilst this doesn’t mean that eating tomatoes is a replacement for wearing sunscreen, it does prove that they are a fantastic addition to the diet of anyone looking to reduce the ageing effects of UV light. Try having a homemade tomato-based sauce with at least one meal a day, or consuming a glass of tomato juice with breakfast.

Sardines for smoother skin

You probably already know that oily fish is beneficial for skin and cell health – thanks to the host of essential fatty acids and vitamins it contains. Of all the fish you could choose if you’re conscious of eating for healthier skin, sardines are the most powerful, as they are considered the best source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Just one serving (around 4 ounces) contains 1.5 grams of Omega 3 and is rich in the nourishing anti-inflammatory agent DHA. Add these tasty little fish to a salad or savoury breakfast dish, pan-fried and drizzled with a little olive oil.

Super soy

Have you ever considered swapping regular milk for soy, or switching from chicken to tofu every now and again? If not, you may reconsider when you learn about soy’s remarkable ability to improve skin elasticity. Soy contains an isoflavone known as aglycone which has been shown to stop collagen from breaking down in the skin – one of the leading causes behind unsightly sagging and wrinkles. A study in Japan involved a group of middle-aged women who consumed 40mg of aglycone per day over a period of 12 weeks – who following the experiment presented fewer lines and improved skin elasticity compared to a placebo. Tempeh, tofu, soy milk and soy beans are all rich sources – snack on beans in the afternoon, switch to a soy chai latte or swap chicken for tempeh once or twice a week.

roasted pumpkin recipe

Powerful pumpkin

Pumpkin is often left out of the list of foods to eat for fabulous skin – but it’s one of the most potent ingredients available for those looking to improve their skin with better nutrition. This is thanks to its orange colouring – or more precisely, the large amount of beta-carotene found in pumpkin. Our bodies convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A, which is essential for the strong growth and reproduction of skin cells. Just half a cup of cooked pumpkin contains almost 400% of your Vitamin A requirement – so incorporating mashed or roasted pumpkin as a tasty side on a regular basis is an easy way to keep skin smooth, soft and wrinkle-free.

Don’t forget to hydrate…

One key issue for many women with common skin complaints is dehydration. Skin cells (like all cells in our bodies) need water to function properly – so when you forget to drink enough, you could be accelerating or exacerbating the damage you’re trying to prevent with expensive crèmes and serums. Make sure you always have a bottle of water on hand wherever you go – and limit your intake of diuretics such as caffeinated drinks and sugary pop (sugar has highly detrimental consequences for skin health). Prefer a hot drink? Sip green tea for a skin-loving antioxidant boost.

Keep following the blog for more expert skincare tips – and discover how Nefera’s proven clinical formula could help you to improve the look and feel of your skin in just three weeks here.