by Kazem Skincare

Why is moisture an important ally when combatting signs of ageing?

Published on: 15/12/2017

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Many ‘anti-ageing’ creams tend to mask signs of ageing simply by moisturising the skin. So if beautiful-looking skin can be achieved superficially through topical application alone, what can deep, meaningful moisture do? Here we explain why keeping skin hydrated (inside and out) is a crucial requirement of success for anyone concerned about the visible signs of anti-ageing.

Moisture is an essential aspect of healthy cellular structure

Often experts and online beauty bloggers cite our body’s 60% ratio of water as one of the most important reasons behind drinking enough fluids daily. But it’s key to remember that it’s actually our cells that contain 60% water – and this is where our scientific approach to skincare and anti-ageing starts and finishes. Beautiful skin begins with an understanding of cellular science – and healthy cells must have an adequate supply of water from multiple sources.

Moisture keeps skin supple and strong

Hydrated skin generally takes longer to show signs of ageing – whilst women with dry skin often find they notice fine lines and deeper wrinkles developing sooner. So what’s the reason for this? Cells need water to function properly – so dehydrated cells are more likely to malfunction, break down and prematurely die. Properly hydrated cells result in skin with a healthy look and feel.

The other side to ‘moisture’ involves oil – known scientifically as sebum. Although excess oil is typically seen to be negative, lots of women inadvertently accelerate the ageing process through stripping their skin of natural sebum with harsh cleansers and peels. Oilier skins are naturally lubricated with higher levels of protective sebum, so whilst this can be troublesome and inconvenient those years of keeping shine at bay could have been incredibly beneficial for the health and appearance of your skin in later life. Meanwhile, low-level inflammation occurs when skin dries out, accelerating the ageing process and breaking down collagen present.

Start from the inside out

We frequently emphasise this point here on the blog and across our social media channels – but it’s worth reiterating again. Hydration and adequate nutrition are both incredibly important factors in the ageing process – without a perfect balance of vitamins, minerals and micronutrients from rich, natural sources our bodies won’t function optimally overall – and this shows in our hair, skin and nails. Few women can spend money on high quality skin treatments and crèmes whilst simultaneously failing to drink enough water – or substituting it with coffee, sugary sodas and alcohol. Stick to 8 glasses a day – or around two litres of filtered water or mineral water. Green tea is a great alternative – packed with skin-loving antioxidants it’s preferable to black tea and coffee, which both act as diuretics. As we age our water reserves naturally lower – so it’s vitally important to adopt the habit of drinking enough early on to combat the visible and less noticeable signs of ageing.

Support healthy skin structure with Nefera’s revolutionary range of luxe skincare products.